Born on August 1972 in Oradea, Romania, Octavian Curpas came to The United States in March 1997, after working for three years as editor of a newspaper in Romania. He lived in California for eight years, after which he relocated – in March 12, 2005 to the City of Surprise Arizona, USA. That same year, he arrived in Arizona, he married with his wife, Roxana-Claudia. Both endowed with the power of hard work and diligence they have opened their own business in real estate which they are still currently working in. On May 19, 2009 they received the best gift from God, their first child, little Janice, this name was chosen for its special meaning „God is gracious.”
Writer, journalist by vocation (with higher education in journalism, international business and legal sciences), Octavian Curpas is an important name of the press today. He writes with grace and dedication to several U.S. publications, but also in Romania, he is editor of publications „Colorado Beetle” and „Phoenix Magazine”. I always imagined that the journalists should have certain traits: love of literature, people, nature’s beauty, love of their craft, a competitive spirit, compelling in their writing, dedicated to their calling, gifted, having a keen sense of observation and reason, in short, proving a deep love for everything around them, being honest to themselves, i.e. to their thinking and judgment, honest to the wrong and being ready to provide help with the broad views of their mind.
I thought and I think, journalists should not let appearances or situations hinder them, to be discerning in what they see, hear and write, to be honest to themselves, certain of their ideas and thoughts, honest to the readers, able to help others with his wisdom, by expressing thoughts through words on a newspaper page, humble and not arrogant, but to be honest and transparent, to have dignity, not giving in to the challenge or the insults, to be humorous with the humor of the Romanian spirit when needed, with which readers can smoothly comprehend, without frowning because of the everyday challenges of life, not rancorous, but friendly and serene, able to admit that they may fail; know when to ask, in this case, needed apologies, be bold, courageous and love of God. Octavian’s articles are succinct, i.e. have maximum information with minimum words. With great certainty, manifesting these traits from the soul and being able to bring them to the surface and use in such a beautiful career, polishing them, for the people’s good of the society in which we live.
All these qualities are found in Octavian Curpas, flowing through his body, having that „vein” of journalism from which he fielded countless interviews, dialogues, and articles, highlighting the special people and often providing the gems of a society which we all like to know better. He, also, distinguishes himself through his activities of literary criticism. He is able to distinguish a good book from a bad book and has the talent to find authors who tend to shy away, but whose works deserves to be discussed and be removed from the ordinary crowds, and he does so with talent, with thoroughness and depth of understanding. In his writings he intelligently captures the idea and message of the book, by highlighting the essence of the literary work and ultimately creates inspired summaries.
Unlike some writers which treats lightly their profession, omitting many „pearls” of writings, Octavian Curpas prefers to make a brief monograph of the books, to highlight the hidden beauties created, giving them shine, as Cioran once said: ” When you write a book you, never know who’s fate will be forgotten … A book or a book without echo can always come back to life. „. Just as literature is the art of the work, written through artistic expression that gives to the writers imagination, feelings, being part of the social phenomenon, so is the art and literary criticism, and to one who ventured to this, even more it is required to be more than just a writer. So, there is mandatory a cultural knowledge, both in quantity and quality. Octavian Curpas has this cultivated knowledge and always thirsts for it.
I am convinced that all newspaper journalists, such as those from „Colorado Beetle”, have enjoyed a career full of enthusiasm, optimism and ideals. The number of magazine subscriptions has grown, and increased, and as the years will go by, the journalists and the youth talents will be more beautiful as before, because they will have to benefit from the mysterious light, which will flow from their hearts, committing their journalistic wonders onto a beautiful creation.
Celebrating you means to celebrating us, to live with a great job satisfaction, because we can say with pride, and each of us can say: ”I am your colleague!”
May the Lord give us health, to enjoy what we accomplished!
May you continue with a happy and beautiful year in review, together with the staff management and its employees!
Deosebite aprecieri pentru cele doua personalitati in domeniul scrisului: scriitoarea Vavila Popovici si prietenul si vecinul meu,jurnalistul Octavian Curpas,care prin bogatia materialelor prezentate din diferite domenii (si ceea ce mai valoros e ca ne scrie nu numai in limba engleza ci si in dulcea limba romaneasca in care ne-am nascut) ca: recenzii,interviuri, articole de interes general, care printr-o prezentare deosebit de clara ne ajuta sa cunoastem realitati atit din diaspora cit si din neuitata tara de unde am venit, ROMANIA. Prezentarea materialului de mai sus facuta intr-un mod de exceptie de catre distinsa doamna Vavila, ne pune in fata palmarestul tanarului Octavian ca jurnalist de valoare. Mai mult Dumnezeu l-a binecuvintat cu o casnicie fericita, o sotie minunata care intruneste calitatile mentionate in cartea Proverbe 31:10 cat si doi copilasi ca doi ingerasi, veniti ca dar din partea Celui de Sus. Se poate spune pe drept cuvant ca familia lor e o familie fericita, implinita atit din punct de vedere spiritual cat si material. Sunt incredintat ca Acela care a inceput in voi aceasta lucrare (de a scrie) o va finaliza pana in ziua lui Iisus Hristos. Filipeni 1:6. GOD BLESS YOU ALL!
…si sa-i dea sanatate sa scrie incontinuare !
Mihaita O.
Felicitari, Stimate Domnule Octavian!
Sa va dea Dumnezeu viata, sanatate si putere de munca fiindca mai aveti multe de realizat!
Sarbatori fericite!
La multi ani!
Pr. Al. Stanciulescu-Barda
Felicitari pentru ceea ce realizati pentru NOI .
La multi ani pentru sarbatoritii de Sf.Nicolae !
Binecuvantarea Domnului peste familia Curpas inclusiv in plan jurnalistic!
God Bless You & yours! John B.