Cum critica un englez Consiliul Judetean Bacau, responsabil de angajari la partia de schi de la Slanic Moldova

Ca angajarile in institutiile statului se fac pe pile, relatii, rude si activitatea din partid este deplin cunoscut in Romania. Un englez care a ajuns la Partia Nemira de la Slanic Moldova anul trecut a ramas neplacut surprins ca nimeni din oficiul turistic de pe partie nu stie engleza. Mai mult, el reclama faptul ca nu exista o scoala de schi locala pentru incepatori. Geoffrey Croskell, care locuieste in Bucuresti dar este de loc din Ipswich, Suffolk-Marea Britanie, spune ca toate acestea sunt cu atat mai surprinzatoare, cu cat Partia Nemira a fost facuta si cu fonduri europene iar propaganda oficiala a administratiei locale este aceea ca Partia de Schi de la Slanic Moldova ar putea fi interesanta si penru turistii din strainatate. Englezul se arata astfel uimit ca au fost alocati bani europeni pentru o „afacere romaneasca“, destinata practic doar romanilor.

Geoffrey Croskell

Geoffrey Croskell (FOTO FACEBOOK) pe site-ul :

„I have visited Slanic Moldova and been up new your new splendid lift recently after Christmas and very impressed with the perfect beginners slope. Therefore it astounds me that after spending all that Euro money that no one in your tourist office can speak any English, furthermore its impossible to contact any local ski school in advance to arrange lessons, the very basic requirements I would have thought if you are seriously trying to appeal to the International tourist market. Failing that I would have thought the latter is the least that would be available for local Romanians, otherwise how can anyone start the sport, or is this just to be a white elephant and preserve of the wealthy only, if so, I would suggest that is not the reason you were allocated Euro money…….“

Desi comentariul a fost postat in februarie 2015, pana la aceasta ora nu s-a luat nicio masura pentru corectarea situatiei:

Romil Botezatu, directorul Serviciului Salvamont, cu umor: „Noi la Slanic Moldova avem mai mult turisti din Moldova si Ucraina iar cu limba rusa ne mai descurcam“

Partia de schi Nemira este administrata de Consiliul Judetean Bacau prin Serviciul Public Judetean pentru Promovarea Turismului si Coordonarea Activitatii de Salvamont. Directorul institutiei, Romil Botezatu, a privit cu umor reclamatia englezului, in conditiile in care in Slanic Moldova exista cunoscatori de engleza dar a recunoscut ca la angajarea celor din Salvamont nu s-a pus conditia sa se stie limba engleza. „Exista punct turistic al statiunii unde se vorbeste engleza. La noi, la angajarea celor care lucreaza la parte, nu s-a pus aceasta conditie. Nu stiu de aceasta reclamatie. Mai mult,turistii care vin la Slanic de obicei sunt din Est, din Republica Moldova si Ucraina. Iar cu limba rusa, mai ales cei mai vechi, ne mai descurcam“, a spus Romil Botezatu.


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3 Comentarii

  1. Geof Croskell spune:

    As to the Ski School failings i would like to think that after 2 years the resort has resolved this particular failing, as i commentated this is crucial for the growth of the sport. Having not visited the resort in winter since 2015, i will be interested to inquire about the progress in this area when i visit Slanic Moldova in a couple of weeks time ??

  2. Geof Croskell spune:

    I cannot help but be bemused that it has taken 2 years to respond to my criticism of the lack of local staff speaking English or basic Ski School facilities. in addition it is interesting to see that someone has aquired an skiing photograph, denying me anominity, but which perhaps does demonstrate my qualification and experience to be able to criticise, and i can confirm i have over many years skied in large number of major European resorts and also the USA & Canada on regular basis and have achieved a reasonable ability and knowledge of the sport and whats expected. Mr Botezatu should perhaps address the issues rather throw back cheap defensive comments, it is irrelevant to me as user of the facilities where your target market is, that is your business. However English (without wishing to sound arrogant) is the amongst the top 3 languages spoken worldwide ( Chinese & Spanish i believe are the others), therefore in opening a new facility i continue to find it amazing that the authorities don’t consider it an important factor, in country like Romania where i have found from personal experience in Bucharest, for most English is the second language for locals and Ex Pats, and certainly the common denominator in the commercial world. Maybe this is not so in provinces or among the older generation, but having developed this resort at tremendous expense it does seem a lack of ambition by the management to not have somebody available to converse and advise basic resort information for potential Western European clientel or non Romanians. With regards to the Ski school facilities i would like to think 2 years on then some organisation has been developed in this area, i have not visited the resort in winter since 2015, but maybe i will enquire when i visit Slanic Moldova in a couple of weeks time and see what progress has been made?

    • H spune:

      The truth is that most English speaking young people from Slanic-Moldova, are actually working in…. England, so in their defense I can say it is quite difficult to find English speaking people to work at the ski slope in Slanic, I am not saying is imporible :).
      As for ski instructors as far as I know there are plenty now and some of them speak English very well. I really hope that this didn’t put you off from coming back to Slanic. And if you need help I can try to do it myself.

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